Roots is a garden created by the resources of the community for the purpose of feeding local at-risk families. The creators of Roots are led by Christ to perform this basic charity.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Spring/Summer harvest recap

Our first harvest was a success! We had an amazing turnout on the tomatoes. We must have pulled a hundred off of those plants. The Roma tomatoes were the rockstars in the end. The Early Girls proved to be a little finicky. Forget that. We're going Romas on the next round.

The green beans were so pretty. A bunch of them died due to some nasty bugs that also wanted them, but we saved plenty.

So, for our very first harvest we learned:
  • A layer of newspapers with a pile of hay on top makes it hard for weeds to get through and keeps moisture in.
  • Why farmers pray for rain!
  • Roma tomatoes are indestructible.
  • Drought followed by floods is no bueno for tomatoes.
So now that we're official farmers we'll remember all that stuff and move on to the fall crops. This summer we've planted okra because it will grow in anything and any conditions. We've also learned that they go from edible to ridiculously giant in the matter of a few days, so super regular picking. Any volunteers? Anybody? Anybody? Just kidding. In the near future we will be implimenting week long family or group garden adoption to do the harvesting, delivery, and maintenance. If you're interested shoot me an email at and i'll set you up with a week.

Living Word's August Serve Project will involve planting the fall crops. See their website for details.

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